Anthroposophic Medicine

Effectiveness, utility, costs, safety

Anthroposophic medicine is one of the distinct and important complementary medicine systems, extending conventional medicine by applying the cognitive methods and cognitive results of anthroposophy. Provided world-wide, particularly in Germany and Switzerland, anthroposophic medicine is practiced in specialized hospitals or medical centres, or is integrated in conventional medical facilities. It is being applied to treat a wide variety of diseases. Several elements of anthroposophic medicine have already been integrated into conventional medicine (e.g. art therapy, special nursing techniques, and medications such as mistletoe therapy in cancer).

Autor/Herausgeber: Gunver S. Kienle | Helmut Kiene | Hansueli Albonico

Seiten: 349

Einband: kartoniert

Erscheinungsjahr: 2006


Lieferbarkeit: lieferbar

ISBN: 978-3-7945-2495-2

Preis Euro: 12

Preis Franken: 12