Anthroposophic Nursing Practice

Foundations and Indications for Everyday Caregiving

Anthroposophic nursing care goes beyond the communicative approach of soft skills. Nurses form a bridge between treatment of the body and treatment of the patient’s soul and spirit by actively valuing the human body, paying attention to touch, using warmth, cold, air, and light to promote healing processes, and much more. Although physical wellbeing, autonomy, and youthfulness are central to our modern materialistic culture, our bodies actually receive little respect and appreciation, especially when they become ill and eventually old. Nursing values need to be rediscovered that respect the debased human being, embrace illness as a part of existence, and allow time for healing.

Autor/Herausgeber: Rolf Heine (Autor), Carol Brousseau (Übersetzerin), Adam Blanning (Einleitung), Michaela Glöckler MD (Vorwort), Matthias Girke (Vorwort)

Seiten: 351

Einband: gebunden

Erscheinungsjahr: 2006


Lieferbarkeit: lieferbar

ISBN: 978-1-938685-28-6

Preis Euro: 12

Preis Franken: 12